
Market Information




Daily Change

Daily of Change (%)

Last closing price in HKD 22/7/2024 15.880 0.03 0.19%
Last NAV per unit in HKD^ 22/7/2024 15.8883 0.2755 1.76%
Last NAV per unit in USD 22/7/2024 2.0351 0.0363 1.82%
Total NAV in HKD 22/7/2024 42,898,349.64 743,758.66 1.76%

^The last Net Asset Value per Share referred to above is indicative and for reference purposes only and is calculated using the last Net Asset Value per Share in USD multiplied by an assumed foreign exchange rate using the USD:HKD exchange rate quoted by Bloomberg at 4:00 pm (London time) as of the same Dealing Day provided by the Administrator. The Administrator performs the calculation of the last Net Asset Value per Share of each Sub-Fund.